Episode 3: Clinton Young, 18 and a half years on death row
Episode 3;
This is the shocking and bizarre true crime podcast death row. In episode 1 and 2 you heard Merel Pontier, Texas criminal defense attorney about the wrongly sentenced to death Clinton Young.
In this episode 3 Clinton Young is interviewed by Jim Bouman about his time in prison.
In a few days you can listen to the continuation of the interview with Clinton in episode 4.
You can also buy Merel Pontier's book "Dodencel" via https://www.celsusboeken.nl/product/dodencel/
All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Clinton Young Foundation.
Ondersteun Merel en Clinton via:
U kunt ook het boek Dodencel van Merel Pontier kopen via https://www.celsusboeken.nl/product/dodencel/
De volledige opbrengsten uit de verkoop van dit boek worden gedoneerd aan de Clinton Young Foundation.